We provide face to face training delivered by our qualified and competent in-house Training Manager, in our fully equipped training suites located in our branches. We also provide Distance and E-learning. This training is provided by fully qualified and experienced Training Providers.
Following successful completion of your mandatory training, (approx. 5 days classroom based or distance learning), you will then shadow a competent and more senior member of staff until you and they believe you are competent to work independently. Competency checks and supervision will follow, you are always able to contact the office and speak to your care coordinator or if required the Manager.
We support all of our staff every step of the way through the Care Certificate Training, specialist courses and ongoing qualifications to become truly special and valued member of our team.
For Care Community Based Staff who are experienced and already hold the Care Certificate and any other relevant qualifications that are in date and can be evidenced, you may not need to retake all the Induction.
There are 15 standards within the Care Certificate, which cover a wide range of subjects and topics. Both written and practical. A new unexperienced community staff member must complete the Care Certificate workbooks within 12 weeks of starting their new role. An experienced new community staff member or one that already holds the care certificate, does not have to complete this again but will complete the Induction and can partake elements of the Care Certificate to refresh their skills and knowledge. Pride Home Care will offer full support and mentoring throughout your induction or care certificate. The Care Certificate standards are as follows:
In addition to the above we also ensure that training is provided for the following subjects,
Several of the above courses will need to be refreshed annually or three yearly or as required.
Pride Home Care also encourage all our staff to achieve specialist care training, expanding team members skills and meeting client specific needs. Listed below are some of the courses we currently offer, we listen to all of our staff and can add additional courses as requested:
Specialist clinical procedures required for an individual are trained by a qualified Clinician with the Community Staff and an Assessor, who provide their care for this Service User only.
Level 2 and Level 3 Diplomas in Health & Social Care or within the role in which you work or are looking to develop into, subject to business need.
‘Champions in Care’, an additional role training, supervising and supporting other staff within the company and also community wide, in you chosen area of practice. Leading internal team meetings and facilitating liaison with our partners in care, sharing best practice and developing wider understanding of the specific area or condition.
Pride Home Care offer full training and support to all of our staff, encouraging their career progression. We are proud of all of our staff and take deep pride in promoting their careers, enabling them to be the very best that we believe they can be.